Padel is a game that

combines action with fun and social integration

is easy and quick to learn

is a great sport for players at any age
History of padel
Under this interesting-sounding name is a sport that originated in Mexico and was invented in the late 1960s by Enrique Corcuera.
It is a rocket sport that can be considered a mixture of tennis and squash. Both the game, its rules and scoring here are similar. The sport is not dominated by strength, technique or service therefore it is a perfect game for men, women and youngsters while encouraging joint competition.
According to official sources, the inventor of padel game was a businessman named Enrique Corcuera residing in Mexico who played the first matches at the back of his house with friends.
The game court was designed as a miniature tennis court measuring 10 x 20 meters with one small difference – the walls.
According to the official story, „the walls around the court were created because the little black ball used in the game bounced off the neighbors’ house.”
This sport is distinguished by the smaller dynamics of the game compared to squash, the appearance and shape of the racket and the fact that it can be learned very quickly. It is usually played in doubles therefore it can provide a lot more excitement and entertainment with four players.
The sport has been gaining most of its popularity over the years in South America, gradually making its way to Europe. Starting with Spain and Italy because the climate was favorable for the construction of courts without roofing. Unexpectedly, padel became one of the fastest growing disciplines in Europe, especially during the covid pandemic.

Chronological axis - International development of the discipline

Construction of the first courts in Spain

Invention of the game in Mexico

Founding of a federation in the United States of America

First International Padel Tournament in Madrid

Padel pro Tour official tournament calendar is created

The five hundredth court opened in Spain

The Padel Pro Tour is replaced by the World Padel Tour bringing together the Padel elite from around the world – the equivalent of the ATP for tennis.

Polish Padel federation is established

Wynalezienie gry w Meksyku

Budowa pierwszych kortów w Hiszpanii

Pierwszy Międzynarodowy turniej który odbył się w Madrycie

Założenie federacji w USA

Na terenie całej Hiszpanii zostaje otwiera sie pięćsetny kort

Padel pro Tour powstaje oficjalny kalendarz zawodów

Powstanie Polskiej federacji Padla

Padel Pro Tour zostaje zastąpiony przez World Padel Tour gromadząc elitę Padel z całego świata – odpowiednik ATP dla tenisa.
„Quick to learn, exciting, and providing lots of endorphins”
Try yourself at this new sport – Padel